Nelson's Edinburgh Library

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Nelson's Edinburgh Library

Liste triée par illustrateur jaquette 2
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--- La date de sortie indiquée fait référence à la primo-parution du titre.

NS Titre Auteur Date Sortie 1ere Jaquette 2eme Jaquette
160 Samuel Pepys Percy LUBBECK
545 Jesus the Carpenter of Nazareth Robert BIRD
158 The Book of a Naturalist W.H. HUDSON
546 The Kindred of the Wild Charles Georges Douglas ROBERTS
541 Fabre's book of insects - arranged by Mrs. Rodolph STAWELL J. H. FABRE
600 The Great Boer War Arthur Conan DOYLE 11-1918
006 Life of Gladstone Herbert Woodfield PAUL
601 Wild Life in a Southern Country Richard JEFFERIES
602 The Forest Stewart Edward WHITE
548 Golden Age Kenneth GRAHAME
012 Sir Henry Hawkins E.S. GROGAN
501 From the Cape to Cairo E.S. GROGAN
502 A Modern Utopia H.G. WELLS
603 With Kitchener to Karthum G.W. STEVENS
503 The Unveiling of Lhasa H. CANDLER
504 Popular Astronomy C. FLAMMARION
505 Dream Days Kenneth GRAHAME
506 The Path to Rome Hilaire BELLOC Illustrated by the author
507 Reminiscences of Lady Dorothy Nevill
042 Collected Poems of Henry Newbolt Henry NEWBOLT
509 Pot Pourri from a Surrey Garden Miss HARLE
510 The Ring and the Book Robert BROWNING
045 The Alps from End to End Sir W. Martin CONWAY
512 Book About Roses Dean HOLE
513 Mexico as I Saw it Mrs Alec Tweedle
514 Fields, Factories & Work-Shops Prince KROPOTKIN
515 Cruise of the Falcon E.F. KNIGHT
102 The People of the Abyss Jack LONDON
120 A Tramp's Sketches Stephen GRAHAM
519 Napoleon-The Last Phase Lord ROSEBURY
134 Self-Selected Essays Augustine BIRRELL
521 From Fiji to the Cannibal Islands Beatrice GRIMSHAW
523 A Lodge in the Wilderness John BUCHAN
136 From a College window Arthur Christopher BENSON
524 The Land of Footprints Stewart Edward WHITE
525 The Desert Gateway S.H. LEEDER
526 Marshal Murat Capt A.H. ATTERIDGE
527 My Father Estelle W. STEAD
144 A Woman in the Balkans Mrs Will GORDON
145 Italian characters Countess CESARESCA
146? Throught the Magic Door Arthur Conan DOYLE 28-11-1918
147 Hunting Camps in Wood and Wilderness H. Hesketh PRICHARD
534 The Haunters of the Silences Charles Georges Douglas ROBERTS
148 Abraham Lincoln Brand WILTLOCK
535 With Poor emigrants to America Stephen GRAHAM
604 Watchers of the Trails Charles Georges Douglas ROBERTS
152 In The Country of Jesus Mathilde SERAO
153 The Recreations of an Historian George Macaulay TREVELYAN
151 Garibaldi's Defence ot the Roman Republic G.M. TREVELYAN
539 Garibaldi and the Making of Italy G.M. TREVELYAN
540 Garibaldi and the Thousand G.M. TREVELYAN
163 The New Jerusalem G.K. CHESTERTON Juillet 1924
164 Two Dianas in Alaska Agnès HERBERT Juillet 1924
165 Contemporary Portraits Sir Algernon WEST Juillet 1924
168 Madame de Brinvilliers Hugh STOKER Septembre 1924
166 Charles de Bourbon Christopher HARE Septembre 1924
167 Robert Herrick F.W. MOORMAN Septembre 1924
611 A Book of Escapes and Hurried Journeys John BUCHAN
143 With the Russian Pilgrims to Jerusalem Stephen GRAHAM
159 John Bunyan William Hale WHITE
612 Round the World on a Wheel J. Foster FRASER
613 The awakening of England E. I. GREEN
614 Two Dianas in Somaliland Agnès HERBERT
615 The Last Secrets - The Final Mysteries of Exploration John BUCHAN
021 Collections and Recollections - Serie II George William Erskine RUSSEL
630 The Human Needs of Labour Benjamin Seebohm ROWNTREE
631 Germany before the War Baron Eugène-Napoléon BEYENS
632 The Story of France James Lyne BEAUMONT JAMES
650 The Campaign of 1912 and the Retrait from Moscow Hilaire BELLOC (2,408)
517 The Four Men Hilaire BELLOC Illustrated by the author
652 Great Hours in Sport John BUCHAN
653 Stories of the Border Marches Jean and John LANG