Liste imprimable

Nelson's Classics

Liste triée par n° de série
--- Autres tris possibles : Cliquer sur le nom de la colonne.
--- La date de sortie indiquée fait référence à la primo-parution du titre.

NS Titre Auteur Date Sortie 1ere Jaquette 2eme Jaquette
0001 A Tale of Two Cities Charles DICKENS n6p:1905- 4 CHARDONS OCS ANT 1923
0002 Tom Brown's Schooldays Thomas HUGHES n6p:1906-
0003 The Deerslayer James Fenimore COOPER n6p:1906- 1920
0004 Henry Esmond. William Makepeace THACKERAY n6p:1905-
0005 Hypatia Henry KINGSLEY n6c:1905-02/1923 cf couv old curiosity shop
0006 The Mill on the Floss George ELIOT 1919
0007 Uncle Tom's Cabin Mrs Harriet BEECHER STOWE n6p:1905-
0008 The Last of The Mohicans. James Fenimore COOPER n6p:1906-
0009 Adam Bede George ELIOT n6p:1905-1919 A republication of the Nelson edition of [1905], without the frontispiece.
0010 The Old Curiosity Shop Charles DICKENS n6p:1905-
0011 Oliver  Twist Charles DICKENS n6p:1906- 1900 nls x
0012 Kenilworth Sir Walter SCOTT n6p:1906- 1771-1832
0013 Robinson Crusoe. Daniel DEFOE n6p:1906- 4 CHARDONS OCS ANT 1923
0014 The Last Days of Pompeii. Lord Edward Bulwer LYTTON n6p:1906-
0015 The Cloister and the Hearth. Charles READE n6p:1906-
0016 Ivanhoe + Sir Walter SCOTT n6p:1906-
0017 East Lynne Mrs Henry WOOD n6p:1906-
0018 Cranford Mrs Elizabeth Cleghorn GASKELL 1919
0019 John Halifax, Gentleman. Mrs Dinah Maria Mulock CRAIK n6p:1906-
0020 The Pathfinder. James Fenimore COOPER n6p:1906-
0021 Westward Ho! Charles KINGSLEY pp. viii. 694. T. Nelson & Sons: [London, 1920.]
0022 The Three Musketeers Alexandre DUMAS n6p:1907-
0023 The Channings Mrs Henry WOOD 4 CHARDONS OCS ANT 1923
0024 The Pilgrim's Progress John BUNYAN 4 CHARDONS OCS ANT 1923
0025 Pride and Prejudice. * Jane AUSTEN 1907/1920 4 CHARDONS OCS ANT 1923
0026 Quentin Durward. Sir Walter SCOTT 1919/1939 nls
0027 Villette. Charlotte BRONTE [London, 1907] 570 p. ; 8º. [London, 1920.]570 p. ; 8º. 4 CHARDONS OCS ANT 1923
0028 Hard Times Charles DICKENS 4 CHARDONS OCS ANT 1923 1900 nls
0029 A Child's history of England+ Charles DICKENS 4 CHARDONS OCS ANT 1923
0030 The Bible in Spain. George BORROW 4 CHARDONS OCS ANT 1923
0031 Gulliver's Travels Dean SWIFT 1920
0032 Sense and Sensibility. Jane AUSTEN 05/1923 cf couv old curiosity shop
0033 Kate Coventry G.J. MELVILLE
0034 Silas Marner George ELIOT 1920
0035 Notre Dame. Victor HUGO 1920
0036 Old St. Paul's.+ William Harrison AINSWORTH 1908/1920
0037 Waverley. Sir Walter SCOTT 1920/1939
0038 Ninety-Three Victor HUGO 1920
0039 Eothen. Alexander William KINGLAKE 02/1923 cf couv old curiosity shop
0040 The Toilers of the Sea. Victor HUGO 1920
0041 The Children of the New Forest Captain MARRYAT 4 CHARDONS OCS ANT 1923
0042 The Laughing Man. Victor HUGO 1920
0043 A Book of Golden Deeds. Charlotte Marie YONGE 4 CHARDONS OCS ANT 1923
0044 Great Expectations Charles DICKENS 4 CHARDONS OCS ANT 1923
0045 Guy Mannering. Sir Walter SCOTT 1920
0046 Modern Painters John RUSKIN
0047 Les Misérables vol 1. Victor HUGO 1920
0048 Les Misérables vol 2. Victor HUGO 1920
0049 The Monastery. Sir Walter SCOTT 4 CHARDONS OCS ANT 1923
0050 Romola. George ELIOT 4 CHARDONS OCS ANT 1923
0051 The Vicar of Wakefield + Oliver GOLDSMITH [1909] et 1920/1900 nsl
0052 Emma Jane AUSTEN 1909/1922 4 CHARDONS OCS ANT 1923
0053 Lavengro George BORROW 4 CHARDONS OCS ANT 1923
0054 Selected Essays Ralph Waldo EMERSON 02/1923 cf couv old curiosity shop
0055 The Bride of Lammermoor. Sir Walter SCOTT 4 CHARDONS OCS ANT 1923
0056 The Abbot. Sir Walter SCOTT pp. xv. 556. [1909.]4 CHARDONS OCS ANT 1923 1771-1832
0057 Tom Cringle Michael SCOTT
0058 Tales from Shakespeare Charles & Mary Ann LAMB 1920
0059 The Scarlet Letter. Nathaniel HAWTHORNE
0060 Old Mortality. Sir Walter SCOTT 1920 1771-1832
0061 The Romany Rye. George BORROW 4 CHARDONS OCS ANT 1923
0062 Hans Andersen`s Fairy Tales + Hans Christian ANDERSEN 4 CHARDONS OCS ANT 1923
0063 The Black Tulip Alexandre DUMAS 1920
0064 Little Women.+ Louisa May ALCOTT 1920
0065 The Talisman Sir Walter SCOTT 1920
0066 Reminiscences of Scottish life and character. Dean RAMSAY 1911
0067 The Woman in White. Wilkie COLLINS pp. 572. London, [1910.] pp. 572. London, [1922.] 4 CHARDONS OCS ANT 1923
0068 Tales of Mystery and Imagination Edgar Allan POE 02/1923 cf couv old curiosity shop
0069 The Fair Maid of Perth. Sir Walter SCOTT 1920
0070 Parables from Nature; Mrs Margaret Scott GATTY 4 CHARDONS OCS ANT 1923
0071 Peg Woffington Charles READE
0072 Windsor Castle.+ William Harrison AINSWORTH 07/1923 cf couv old curiosity shop
pp. 378. London, [1911.]
0073 Selections from his political writings and speeches Edmund BURKE 1911
0074 The Ingoldsby Legends. Richard Harris BARHAM 04/1923 cf couv old curiosity shop
0075 Pickwick Papers vol 1 Charles DICKENS 4 CHARDONS OCS ANT 1923
0076 Pickwick Papers vol 2 Charles DICKENS 4 CHARDONS OCS ANT 1923
0077 The adventures of Mr.Verdant Green. Cuthbert BEDE 1911
0078 The Heir of Redclyffe Charlotte Marie YONGE
0079 Wild Wales. George BORROW 02/1923 cf couv old curiosity shop pp. 572. [London & Edinburgh, 1911.]/1912
0080 Two Years Before the Mast Richard Henry DANA
0081 Jane Eyre. Charlotte BRONTE 4 CHARDONS OCS ANT 1923
0082 David Copperfield vol 1+ Charles DICKENS 1920
0083 David Copperfield vol 2+ Charles DICKENS 1920
0084 Hereward the Wake Charles KINGSLEY 1920
0085 The Wide, Wide World Elizabeth WETHERELL pp. 573. [London, 1922.] 1912 nls 4 CHARDONS OCS ANT 1923
0086 Michael Strogoff Jules VERNE
0087 Shirley Charlotte BRONTE 04/1923 cf couv old curiosity shop
0088* Jack Sheppard William Harrison AINSWORTH
0089 Masterman Ready Captain MARRYAT
0090 Martin Chuzzlewit vol 1 Charles DICKENS
0091 Martin Chuzzlewit vol 2 Charles DICKENS
0092 Twenty Years After. Alexandre DUMAS 1920
0093 Lorna Doone. Vol 1 + Richard Doddridge BLACKMORE 1913
0094 Lorna Doone. Vol 2 + Richard Doddridge BLACKMORE 1913
0095 Marguerite de Valois Alexandre DUMAS 4 CHARDONS OCS ANT 1923
0096 The Old Lieutenant and his Son Norman MACLEOD
0097 Sylvia's Lovers Mrs Elizabeth Cleghorn GASKELL
0098 Rob Roy. Sir Walter SCOTT 1913 4 CHARDONS OCS ANT 1923
0099 Shakespeare 1 - Comedies William SHAKESPEARE
0100 Shakespeare 2 - Comedies William SHAKESPEARE
0101 Shakespeare 4 - Histories Poems William SHAKESPEARE
0102 Shakespeare 3 - Histories William SHAKESPEARE
0103 Shakespeare 5 - Tragedies William SHAKESPEARE
0104 Shakepeare 6 - Tragedies William SHAKESPEARE
0105 Sybil or The two nations Benjamin DISRAELI 1957
0106 Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World Sir Edward CREASY
0107 Nicholas Nickleby vol 1 Charles DICKENS
0108 Nicholas Nickleby vol 2 Charles DICKENS
0109 Christmas Books. Charles DICKENS 1920
0110 The Book of Snobs and Barry Lyndon William Makepeace THACKERAY
0111 The Golden Treasury. Francis Turner PALGRAVE 04/1923 cf couv old curiosity shop
0112 The Fortunes of Nigel. Sir Walter SCOTT 07/1923 cf couv old curiosity shop
0113 Scenes of Clerical Life. George ELIOT 04/1923 cf couv old curiosity shop
0114 Tales of the Gods and Heroes George William COX
0115 Mrs. Haliburton's Troubles Mrs Henry WOOD 1913
0116 The House of the Seven Gables Nathaniel HAWTHORNE 07/1923 cf couv old curiosity shop
0117 Barchester Towers Anthony TROLLOPE 07/1923 cf couv old curiosity shop
0118 Tales of the West Bret HARTE 1936
0119 Lays of Ancient Rome. Lord Thomas Babington MACAULAY
0120 The Coral Island Robert Michael BALLANTYNE 02/1923 cf couv old curiosity shop
1913 nls
0121 First Love and Last Love James GRANT
0122 The Count of Monte-Cristo vol 1 Alexandre DUMAS
0123 The Count of Monte-Cristo vol 2 Alexandre DUMAS
0124 Dombey and Son vol 1 Charles DICKENS 1914 (printemps - pour n6p)
0125 Dombey and Son vol 2+ Charles DICKENS 1914 (printemps - pour n6p)
0126 Vanity Fair vol 1 William Makepeace THACKERAY 1914 (printemps - pour n6p)
0127 Vanity Fair vol 2 William Makepeace THACKERAY 1914 (printemps - pour n6p)
0128 The Antiquary. Sir Walter SCOTT 1914 (printemps - pour n6p) -- 04/1923 cf couv old curiosity shop 1771-1832
0129 Martin Rattler Robert Michael BALLANTYNE 1914 (printemps - pour n6p) -- 04/1923 cf couv old curiosity shop
0130 The Smuggler George Payne RAINSFORD 1914 (printemps - pour n6p)
0131 Ravenshoe. Henry KINGSLEY 1914 (printemps - pour n6p) -- 07/1923 cf couv old curiosity shop
0132 Ecce Homo John Robert SEELEY 1914 (printemps - pour n6p)
0133 Framley Parsonage Anthony TROLLOPE 1914 (printemps - pour n6p)
0134 Coningsby. Benjamin DISRAELI 1914 (printemps - pour n6p)
0135 Chronicles of the Schönberg-Cotta family Mrs Elizabeth Rundle CHARLES 1914 (printemps - pour n6p)
0136 Rural Rides William COBBETT 1914 (printemps - pour n6p)
0137 Anna Karenina vol 1 TOLSTOY 1914 (printemps - pour n6p)
0138 Anna Karenina vol 2 TOLSTOY 1914 (printemps - pour n6p)
0139 The Voyage of the Beagle. Charles DARWIN 1914 (printemps - pour n6p)
0140 The Daisy Chain. Charlotte Marie YONGE 1914 (printemps - pour n6p)
0141 Eugénie Grandet Honoré de BALZAC 1914 (printemps - pour n6p)
0142 Elsie Venner. Oliver Wendell HOLMES 1914 (printemps - pour n6p)
0143 The Phantom Regiment. James GRANT 1914 (printemps - pour n6p)
0144 Salem Chapel. Mrs Margaret OLIPHANT 1914 (printemps - pour n6p)
0145 Longfellow's Poems- I Henry Wadsworth LONGFELLOW 1914 (printemps - pour n6p)
0146 Longfellow's Poems- II Henry Wadsworth LONGFELLOW 1914 (printemps - pour n6p)
0147 Tom Brown at Oxford. Thomas HUGHES 1914 (printemps - pour n6p)
0148 The Essays of Elia. Charles LAMB 1914 (printemps - pour n6p) -- 05/1923 cf couv old curiosity shop
0149 Barnaby Rudge. Charles DICKENS 05/1923 cf couv old curiosity shop
0150 Of the Imitation of Christ. Thomas A KEMPIS
0151 Pendennis vol 1 William Makepeace THACKERAY
0152 Pendennis vol 2 William Makepeace THACKERAY
0153 Woodstock. Sir Walter SCOTT 07/1923 cf couv old curiosity shop
1915 nls
0154 Quo Vadis ? Henryk SIENKIEWICZ 4 CHARDONS OCS ANT 1923
0155 Ungava. Robert Michael BALLANTYNE
0156 The Yellow Frigate James GRANT
0157 The Lancashire Witches.+ William Harrison AINSWORTH 1919
0158 Wuthering Heights Emily BRONTE 05/1923 cf couv old curiosity shop
pp. 333. [London, 1915.]
0159 Roland Yorke Mrs Henry WOOD 1916
0160 Lothair Benjamin DISRAELI 1957
0161 Geoffrey Hamlyn. Henry KINGSLEY
0162 The Mysteries of Paris 1 Eugene SUE 1918
0163 The Mysteries of Paris 2 Eugene SUE 1918
0164 The Queen's Necklace Alexandre DUMAS 1915
0165 The Swiss Family Robinson Johann Rudolf WYSS 05/1923 cf couv old curiosity shop
0166 Essays I-Historical Lord Thomas Babington MACAULAY
0167 Essays II-Literary Lord Thomas Babington MACAULAY
0168 Fairy Tales. Jacob L. and Wilhelm K. GRIMM 05/1923 cf couv old curiosity shop
0169 The Life of Samuel.Johnson LL.D.1 James BOSWELL 1919 1740-1795
0170 The Life of Samuel Johnson LL.D. 2 James BOSWELL 1919 1740-1795
0171 The Starling Norman MACLEOD
0172 Poems of Burns Robert BURNS
0173 Poems of Burns Robert BURNS
0175 The Heart of Midlothian. Sir Walter SCOTT 1920 1771-1832
0176 Poems of Keats John KEATS
0178 Poems of Arnold Matthew ARNOLD
0182 Poems of Wordsworth William WORDWORTH
0184 Poems ans Plays Oliver GOLDSMITH
0186* Poems of Pope alexander POPE 02/1923
0187 Poems of Rossetti Dante Gabriel ROSSETTI
0188 The Pirate. Sir Walter SCOTT 1771-1832
0189 Alton Locke. Charles KINGSLEY
0190 Mansfield Park. Jane AUSTEN 1924
0191 Our Mutual Friend vol 1 Charles DICKENS
0192 Our Mutual Friend vol 2 Charles DICKENS
0193 Sketches by Boz Charles DICKENS
0194 Yeast. Charles KINGSLEY pp. 378. London, [1925.]
0195 The Journal of a Tour in the Hebrides with Dr.Johnson James BOSWELL 1740-1795
0196 The Heroes Charles KINGSLEY
0197 Midshipman Easy Captain MARRYAT
0198 The Moonstone. Wilkie COLLINS
0199 Little Dorrit vol 1 Charles DICKENS
0200 Little Dorrit vol 2 Charles DICKENS
0201 The Uncommercial Traveller. Charles DICKENS
0202 Sartor Resartus Thomas CARLYLE
0203 Virginibus Puerisque. Robert Louis STEVENSON 1900 nls
0204 Familiar Studies of Men and Books *+ Robert Louis STEVENSON
0205 Treasure Island. Robert Louis STEVENSON 1900
0206 Kidnapped Robert Louis STEVENSON
0207 Bleak House vol 1 Charles DICKENS
0208 Bleak House vol 2 Charles DICKENS
0209 American Notes, and Master Humphrey's Clock Charles DICKENS
0210 The compleat Angler + Izaak WALTON and Charles COTTON
0211 A Legend of Montrose. Sir Walter SCOTT 1771-1832
0212 New Arabian Nights. Robert Louis STEVENSON
0213 Memories and Portraits * Robert Louis STEVENSON
0214 The Dynamiter * Robert Louis STEVENSON
0215 The Merry Men and Others Tales. Robert Louis STEVENSON
0216 The Mystery of Edwin Drood and Pictures from Italy Charles DICKENS
0217 Christmas Stories Charles DICKENS
0218 Across the Plains. Robert Louis STEVENSON
0219 Island Nights' Entertainments. Robert Louis STEVENSON
0220 An Inland Voyage. Robert Louis STEVENSON
0221 Travels with a Donkey in the Cevennes. Robert Louis STEVENSON 1953
0222* Poems of Cowper William COWPER
0223 Poems of Dryden John DRYDEN
0225 Catriona. Robert Louis STEVENSON 1900 nls
0226 The Master of Ballantrae. Robert Louis STEVENSON
0227 The Black Arrow + Robert Louis STEVENSON 1900
0228 Poems : A Child`s Garden of Verses, Underwoods, Songs of Travel Robert Louis STEVENSON
0229 Redgauntlet. Sir Walter SCOTT 1771-1832
0230 St. Ronan s Well Sir Walter SCOTT 1771-1832
0231 Sir Walter Scott's Journal vol 1 Sir Walter SCOTT 1771-1832
0232 Sir Walter Scott's Journal vol 2 Sir Walter SCOTT 1771-1832
0233 Sesame and Lilies. John RUSKIN
0234 The Newcomes vol 1 William Makepeace THACKERAY
0235 The Newcomes vol 2 William Makepeace THACKERAY
0236 The Last Chronicle of Barset vol 1 Anthony TROLLOPE
0237 Persuasion Jane AUSTEN 1926
0238 Northanger Abbey. Jane AUSTEN
0239 The Last Chronicle of Barset vol 2 Anthony TROLLOPE
0240 The Betrothed. Sir Walter SCOTT 1771-1832
0241 Selected Essays. Walter BAGEHOT 1927
0242 Essays. Francis BACON 1927 1561-1626
0243 Shakespeare Plays for Community Players William SHAKESPEARE
0244 Chronicles of the Canongate, and The Highland Widow Sir Walter SCOTT 1771-1832
0245 Horae Subsecivae Dr. John M.D. BROWN
0248 The Tower of London William Harrison AINSWORTH 1928
0249 Tanglewood Tales. Nathaniel HAWTHORNE
0250 Annals of the Parish John GALT 1952
0251 Selected Essays Thomas CARLYLE
0252 Prince Otto. Robert Louis STEVENSON
0253 Weir OF Hermiston Robert Louis STEVENSON
0255 Dream Days.+ Kenneth GRAHAME
0260 The Silverado Squatters, and The Amateur Emigrant Robert Louis STEVENSON
0261 DR. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Robert Louis STEVENSON
0265 In the South Seas. Robert Louis STEVENSON
0266 Vailima Letters. Robert Louis STEVENSON pp. 285. [London, 1928.]
0271 The Professor. Charlotte BRONTE
0272 The Warden Anthony TROLLOPE
0273 15,000 Miles in a Ketch. Raymond Rallier du BATTY pp. 374. [1914.] Physical descr. . In : Nelson (T.) Publisher, and Sons. [Nelson's Shilling Library.] [1908, etc.] 8º.
0274 The New June Sir Henry John NEWBOLT
0275 Napoleon: The Last Phase Lord Archibald Philip Primrose ROSEBERY
0276 From the Cape to Cairo Ewart Scott GROGAN
0277 Tales from the Arabian Nights ANONYMOUS 1925 /1931
0278 Izaak Walton`s Lives Izaak WALTON 1593-1683
0279 The Tenant of Wildfell Hall Anne BRONTE
0280* The semi-attached couple. Emily,Hon EDEN 1934
0282* Mary Barton. A tale of Manchester life. Mrs Elizabeth Cleghorn GASKELL 1934
0283 A shorter Boswell John BAILEY 1740-1795
0284* A General Survey of British History.From earlier Times to 1924 Sir C.B.E. ROBERT S. Rait 1934
0285 Poems of Alfred Lord Tennyson Vol 1 Poem Lord Alfred TENNYSON 1936
0290 Trent`s Last Case. Edmund Clerihew BENTLEY
0291 Prose of Our Time Arthur James John RATCLIFF
0293 Sir Roger de Coverley, and other papers from the Spectator Sir Richard ADDISON & Joseph STEELE 1937
0295 Greenmantle Baron John BUCHAN
0296 Poems of William Blake William BLAKE 1937
0297 Protestantism. W.R. INGE
0298 Old Peter`s Russian tales Arthur RANSOME 1935
0300 Essays and Tales Oliver GOLDSMITH 1935
0301 The english Novel J.B PRIESTLEY 1935
0302 The Atom Edward Neville da Costa ANDRADE 1936
0306* Uncanny stories edited by C. ST JOHN SPRIGG
0307 The expedition of Humphry Clinker Tobias George SMOLETT 1936
0308* The Country Child. Alison UTTLEY 1936
0309 Garibaldi and the Thousand (Maps) G.M. TREVEYLYAN
0310 Lost Endeavour. John MASEFIELD
0312 The Golden Age. Kenneth GRAHAME
0314 The Path to Rome Hilaire BELLOC
0316 Modern Fiction. Franck SWINNERTON
0317 Huckleberry Finn Mark TWAIN + existe en winchester classics DARK BLUE REXINE
0318 The Nap and other Stories Walter DE LA MARE 1936
0320 The Queen`s Quair. Maurice HEWLETT
0321* Mother Goose. Nursery rhymes Joan HUGGINS 1937
0322* Robin Hood and the Men of the Greenwood Henry GILBERT 1936
0324 A Shorter Pepys, The famous Diary Samuel PEPYS
0325* The plays of R.B. Sheridan SHERIDAN, Richard Brinsley 1937
0326* Plays. Oscar WILDE 1937
0328* Essays and Characters. William HAZLITT 1937
0329* The Development of Political Ideas. F.J.C. HEARNSHAW 1937
0330 Tom Sawyer Mark TWAIN
0332 The Refugees. Sir Arthur CONAN DOYLE
0333* The Water Babies Charles KINGSLEY 1937
0334* Uncle Remus Joel Chandler HARRIS 1937
0335 Great Philosophies of the World Cyril Edwin Mitchinson JOAD 1937
0335* Great philosophers of the world Cyril Edwin Mitchinson JOAD
0336 Essays Michel de MONTAIGNE 1937
0337* The cage at Cranford, and other stories Mrs Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell 1937
0338 Historical Portraits edited by F.W. TICKNER
0340 A Journal ot the Plague Year Daniel DEFOE
0342 Heidi Johanna SPYRI
0343 The Red Cockade. Stanley John WEYMANN
0344* Capital Karl MARX 1937
0345* Man in the Making. Dr R.R. MARETT 1937
0346* The Age of the Hearth. Arthur HOMMES 1937
0347* The House with the Green Shutters George Douglas Brown 1937
0350 Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam Umar Khaiyám
0351* The world of Greece and Rome. Edwyn BEVAN, M.A. 1937
0352* Black Beauty Anna SEWELL 1937 1771-1832
0354* Harry Lorrequer. Charles James LEVER 1937
0357 Letters of John Keats John KEATS 1938
0358 Poetry and Prose John DONNE 1938
0359 Religio Medici and Christian Morals Sir Thomas BROWNE 1940
0360 Erewhon Samuel BUTLER
0362* Selected poems of Francis Thompson Francis THOMPSON 1938
0363* Good Wives Louisa May ALCOTT pp. 277. [London, 1920.]/1938
0367* Ten modern plays John HAMPDEN 1938
0368* The Beadle. Pauline SMITH 1938
0369 Prester John Baron John BUCHAN
0370 Modern Essays and Sketches. (Editor) J.W. MARRIOTT
0372 Roughing in the Bush. Susanna MOODIE
0374 The Gentleman. Alfred OLLIVANT
0375 A Shorter Milton John MILTON
0376 A Shorter Lamb. E.E. REYNOLDS (Editor)
0378 The Roll Call of Honour. Arthur Thomas QUILLER-COUCH
0381 Amaryllis at the fair Jeffries RICHARD 1940
0382 The Forest Lovers. Maurice HEWLETT
0383 Pinocchio Carlo COLLODI EO:01/39 RE:02/39-04/39-05/39-11/39 Kurt WIESE
0385 Three Novels Thomas Love PEACOCK 1940
0388* News from Nowhere. William MORRIS 1941
0389 A Sentimental Journey Laurence STERNE 1941
0390 Travels and adventures of Baron Munchausen Baron MUNCHAUSEN 1941
0391 Selected poems of Henry Newbolt Sir Henry John NEWBOLT 1940
0392 Four plays Henrik IBSEN 1941
0393 The Life of Nelson. Robert SOUTHEY
0394* Hans Brinker, or The Silver Skates.(illustrated) Mary M. DODGE 1941
0396 The Small House At Allington Anthony TROLLOPE 1948
0400* Peter`s letters to his kinsfolk. John Gibson LOCKHART 1952
0401 Poems Rupert BROOKE 1952
0402* Castle Rackren and other stories Maria EDGEWORTH 1953
0403 Homer`s Iliad HOMER 1952
0404 Homer`s Odyssey HOMER 1952
0405 Robert Elsemere Mrs Humphry WARD 1952 1916 nls
0406 Doctor Thorne Anthony TROLLOPE 1952
0417 The thirty-nine steps. Baron John BUCHAN 1960
0801 The Confessions of St Augustine Saint AUGUSTIN
0811 Three plays Christopher MARLOWE 1940
0816 Peveril of the Peak Sir Walter SCOTT
0819 The Mystery of the Swamp Phillippa FRANCKLYN
0902 The Rose and the Ring William Makepeace THACKERAY 1940
0910 The old wives`tale. Arnold BENNETT 1961
0988 A hero of nowadays Mikail Iurevitch LERMONTOV 1920
7807 Kipps Herbert George WELLS
7809 Helen with the High Hand Arnold BENNETT
7812 The Bible: Bible Prose and Poetry ANONYMOUS
7815 Agnes Grey And Poems Bronte Sisters 1935
7817 Poems of Browning Robert BROWNING
7820 Alice in Wonderland Lewis CARROLL
7821 Through the Looking-Glass Lewis CARROLL
7822 Modern Biography Lord David CECIL
7823 Poems of Coleridge S.T. COLERIDGE
7825 A Primer of English Literature A. COMPTON-RICKETT
7826 Romance Joseph CONRAD
7828 Fifteen Norse Tales Sir George DASENT
7837 Jackanapes and Other Stories Mrs Juliana Horatia EWING
7838 A Shorter Froissart Jean FROISSART
7839 The Chronicles Jean FROISSART
7841 King Arthur Knights Henry GILBERT
7845 Mrs Galer's Business. W. PETT RIDGE
7950 Sea Stories selected by John HAMPDEN
7951 Nine Modern Plays. John HAMPDEN 1938
7952 The Modern Plays John HAMPDEN
7958 Poems of Herrick Robert HERRICK
7962 Many Cargoes. William Wymark JACOBS
7970 Poems of Milton John MILTON
7973 Poems and Two Prose Romances William MORRIS
7975 Devotional Poets of the Seventeenth Century Sir Henry John NEWBOLT
7976 New Paths on Helicon. Sir Henry John NEWBOLT
7989 Poems of Shelley Percy Bysshe SHELLEY
7993 Some Experiences of an Irish R.M. SOMERVILLE and ROSS
7994 Further Experiences of an Irish R.M. SOMERVILLE AND ROSS
7999 Poems of Alfred Lord Tennyson Vol 2 Idylls of King Lord Alfred TENNYSON 1936
8000 Poems of Alfred Lord Tennyson Vol 3 Later Poems Lord Alfred TENNYSON 1936
8003 Modern Travel. edited by H.M. TOMLINSON
8005 A Hundred English Essays Edited by Rosalind VALLANCE
8006 zzz zzz
8007 Fortitude. Hugh WALPOLE
8012 Approach to Shakespeare Dr Richard WILSON
8013 Money. Hartley WITHERS 1935
8017 My Lady of Aros. jOHN BRANDANE 1925
8021 Almayer`s folly and last essays Joseph CONRAD 1957
8022 Tales of hearsay - Suspense. Joseph CONRAD 1958
8023 The nigger of the `Narcissus` Joseph CONRAD 1958
8024 The arrow of gold Joseph CONRAD 1959
8025 The rover. Joseph CONRAD 1955
8029 King Solomon`s mines Sir Henry Rider HAGGARD 1956
8032 The hate of man Headon HILL (pseudo de Francis Edward Grainger) 1925
8040 Barlasch of the guard Henry Seton MERRIMAN 1955
8043 The life of Francis North by Roger North Attorney General under James II Roger, Hon REYNOLDS (E.E.) 1939
8048 Youth and Other Stories. Joseph CONRAD
8049 Lord Jim. Joseph CONRAD
8055 Allan Quatermain Sir Henry Rider HAGGARD
8056 The History of Mr. Polly Herbert George WELLS
8057 Victory Joseph CONRAD
8058 Under Western Eyes Joseph CONRAD
8888 Salute to Adventurer Baron John BUCHAN Nelson Classics or Novels series, undated but circa 1950s, 12mo, 380pp, blue cloth lettered and decorated gilt floral motif at spine
900 The Muse of Quiet Richard WILSON
9000 White Fang Jack LONDON
9002 Mr Standfast Baron John BUCHAN
9003 An Outcast of the Islands Joseph CONRAD
9010+ Poems Mrs Ellen WOOD
9011 The Secret Agent Joseph CONRAD
9020 The Island of Sheep John BUCHAN

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